Synod gives thanks to God for the leadership of Mr John Scott, Principal of St Luke's Grammar School, Dee Why, who on his retirement at the end of 2004 will have completed over 13 years of distinguished service as Principal within the Sydney Anglican Schools Corporation, including 12 years as Principal of St Luke's Grammar School. Synod gives thanks to God on the successful commencement in 2004 of two new Anglican schools in the Diocese of Sydney - Shellharbour Anglican College in the Illawarra, under the principalship of Mr Tony Cummings, and Wollondilly Anglican College in the Southern Highlands, under the principalship of Mr Stuart Quarmby. Synod hereby reappoints the Stipends and Allowances Committee, with power to co-opt and directs that it report its findings and recommendations to the Standing Committee for action.
Synod requests that the Registrar consider adding to the 2005 Year Book a list and contact details of all multi-ethnic services and congregations held on Anglican Church Property in the Diocese including both Anglican and non-Anglican congregations, and that it be placed alongside the present list of 'Persons conversant with other languages.Ģ/04 Reappointment of the Stipends and Allowances Committee
1/04 Contact details of multi-ethnic services and congregations